
Archive for February, 2011

Hug Mug & Chocolate OD

February 27, 2011 4 comments

I rather like chocolate, so I took it upon myself to try out a chocolate bar on the Gold Coast. My friends might be surprised to learn that I’ve never quite recovered. The photos might explain why.

Chocolate bar

While I was happily drinking my hot chocolate in a “Hug Mug”, I was thinking two things:

Dark hot chocolate, milk hot chocolate (skipped the white hot chocolate)

1. Isn’t this mug a great idea?
2. What does it remind me of?

Hug Mug (was a man standing up, or sitting down, when he thought of this?)

As if sensing my thoughts, Miss Six asked, “Mummy, why does your mug look like a men’s urinal?”

After that, nothing quite tasted right. Otherwise, I would highly recommend the nearest chocolate bar, though you might like to order a bit less than we did….

I've never met a chocolate thing I didn't like ...

Everything with its own chocky dipping sauce

Milkshakes in curious vessels

Just a tiny bit more? (Monty Python's man with the bucket comes to mind)

Brisbane City markets

February 26, 2011 3 comments

An unexpected delight this week – a fresh food market in the city!

Just some of the little lovelies …

L-l-lurvved the spelt fig pistachio bread!

Funkiest little finger limes, Aussie natives!

Beads of lime heaven, ready to burst in your mouth.

Extraordinary tomatoes - tasting as they should

I was too busy shopping and eating to take any more photos, but take it from me, it’s worth a visit. The stone fruit was the tastiest I’ve had in YEARS, ditto the apples. The French bread shop didn’t disappoint, either. My lunch break ran out before I could get to the cupcake stand, which leaves me something to look forward to for next week.

Wednesdays, top of the Mall – enjoy!

PS. Thanks to my ‘tour guide’, SJ.
PPS. Want to see more about the finger limes, check out Bagni di Lucca and Wild Finger Limes – citrus caviar. Amazing.

Brisbane’s Batman Building

February 22, 2011 4 comments

Some call it “Gotham City“. I call it the “Batman Building”. Officially, it’s the State Law Building. Kids notice prosecutors flying out of this building in full court gowns and wigs. One has even been called “Batman” by a kid quoted in the Courier Mail.

It kind of sneaks up on you ...

It used to be the ugliest building in the city, before it was redone ...

I didn't Photoshop this. This is how my camera took it. A forcefield, perhaps?

And from George St.

It blends right in. Hmmm. Check out the bit on top, to cover the air-conditioning.

I got a real kick out of the view inside the foyer, on the corner of George & Anne Streets. The public might notice this while walking past the building.

How long should one pause between words? Safe. Just....

More importantly, one must wonder what the staff inside think of it all, considering the fact that baddies have sent the odd ticking package to this address. Safe. Just.

Have to love government advertising.

PS. Yes, there are 2 more sides to the advertisement, but from the outside, you don’t see them, hence, this humourous context. It took itself out of context and I just helped it along.
PPS. Thanks to Reader D for pointing out this marvelous piece of advertising.

Craft: Best kind of office plant

February 14, 2011 3 comments

My kind of office plant is one that looks pretty and doesn’t require watering. Just put me in the corner with the cactus.

But then, a clever person at work made this.

Wire, stripey fabric and a basic zig-zag stitch...

The perfect office plant

Have fun making your own (try Etsy), or message me and I’ll see if Miss B will sell you one.

Categories: Australia, Business, Craft

An uplifting corporate uniform

February 13, 2011 4 comments

Something on the grinding, awful bus trip from work on Friday made me smile, so I simply had to share it (at great risk to myself, I might add).

It was at my eye level, as I’d scored a seat, so it’s not like I was looking for mischief… Anyhow, take a look at this uplifting corporate uniform and note which way the little plane is pointing on the belt buckle.

A perky, corporate belt buckle for a travel agent (Flight Centre)

Now, think what message it might send should the little plane be pointing down.

Assuming we both keep catching the same bus, I shall be avoiding eye contact with this man all year.

Have a great day!

Coffee shop? Really?

February 13, 2011 6 comments

Imagine my surprise, when my new boss led me in between and behind old buildings and under a boom gate for our first team meeting over coffee. Coffee shop? Where? Is this some peculiar initiation ceremony for writers?

Squeeze through a little gap to get around it, or just go under it. All in the name of coffee...

What was even more surprising, was that we couldn’t get a seat. It was packed.

Wooden bench seats & tables inside and coffee machines screaming their own happy tune. Brisbane's hip new place for caffeine.

What does this say about Brisbane’s sophisticated coffee-drinking set? Would you like to get mugged with your coffee, or would you like your coffee in a mug?

Now that I’m back in the city working, after a long stint in the burbs, I’d appreciate any tips on places to go. Do you know of any cool places?

P.S. This place is somewhere around Elizabeth St Brisbane. Have fun trying to find it!